Patricia Cota-Robles

Patricia is co-founder and president of the nonprofit educational organization Era Of Peace, which sponsors her work and the Annual Congress on World Enlightenment. Patricia has been a marriage and family counselor for 20 years. She is currently a channeler and writer.

Alejandro Jodorowsky

Artist, filmmaker, writer. He lives in Paris, where he teaches his tarot style and lectures on his techniques (psychomagic and psychogenealogy) at Le Téméraire cafe.

Mamo Kuntchubey

Shaman of the Arhuaco Tribe of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta - Colombia. Mamo is the ultimate expression of the wisdom of the Arhuaca (iku or bintukwa) culture. He is responsible for maintaining the natural order of the world through song, meditation and offering rituals.

Brian Weiss

American physician and psychiatrist, author and speaker specializing in trauma healing through past-life regression and progression to future lives.

Miranda Grey

Artist, writer of several books, professor of alternative therapies and facilitator of international courses on cyclical nature, spirituality and feminine energies. Creator of World Womb Blessing, a global healing and energy synchronization meditation for women.

Eric Barone

French writer and researcher, after publishing more than 30 books, he decides to synthesize his research in a system he calls “Akashic Therapy”.


An esoteric investigator. He is the author of four books and founded several New Age schools, such as the School of Remembering.

Khenpo Tenpa Yungdrung Rinpoche

Spiritual guide. He is the abbot of Triten Norbutse Monastery in Nepal, one of the main monasteries of the Bon tradition, with 170 resident monks studying and practicing there. He regularly travels through Europe and America for teaching.

Joao Garriga

Humanist Psychologist. Presented Bert Hellinger in Spain. He teaches training and workshops on Family Constellations throughout Spain and Latin America. Co-creator of the Gestalt Institute in Barcelona. Writer.

Matthieu Ricard

Buddhist monk, humanitarian, author of several books and bestsellers, photographer and biologist of French origin, at Shechen Tennyi Dargyeling monastery, in Nepal; considered the happiest person in the world, founder of Karuna-Shechen.

Jon Kabat-Zinn

Internationally known for his work as a scientist, writer and meditation teacher dedicated to bringing mindfulness to conventional medicine and society. He founded his world-renowned Mindfulness-based Stress Reduction Clinic (in 1979) and the Center for Mindfulness in Medicine, Health and Society (in 1995).

Andrea Juhan

Therapist and dancer, creator of the Open Floor movement practice and co-founder of Open Floor International, based on her more than 30 years as a teacher of 5 rhythms, the practice of Gestalt awareness and integrative body psychotherapy.

Alkis Raftis

Dance historian, engineer, sociologist and manager. Prof. Raftis is president of the UNESCO International Dance Council, Paris. Since 1987 he has been president of the Dora Stratou National Dance Theater and Company in Athens.

Lita Donoso

Transpersonal Psychologist and Clinical Psychologist from the University of Chile. Writer of six Best-Sellers, including The Method. Creator of the Alkymia Method for self-healing and self-realization, and the new Souling Method: the 7 domains of the Heart.

Jonathan Goldman

International authority in sound healing and a pioneer in the field of harmonics. Author of several books and his latest THE DIVINE NAME, winner of the 2011 Visionario Award for "Best Alternative Health Book". Director of the Sound Healers Association and President of Spirit Music, Colorado. Presents HEALING SOUNDS conferences, workshops and seminars around the world.

These are just some of our guests, among others who will be invited.

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