Honoring Wisdom

In this documentary you can listen and perceive what is hidden in the words of the Mamo Menjavin and Mamo Kunchuvey of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta -Colombia. Janis Roze and Amanda Bernal - Biology professors at New York University. Lita Donoso - Author of six best-sellers and the “Alkymia de Autosanación y Autorealización” method. (only portuguese and spanish subtitles available at moment)

Creative Evolution: Be Human

Travel through nature, through the time and history, through the worlds of past civilizations, through our technological era and its dramatic challenges, searching for the answers that allow us to find the true meaning of HUMAN BEING.

The Serpent: Fascination and Fear

A magical investigation into the fascinating world of the Serpents, their insertion into human history, into the cinema, their fame and their myths through the ages. "When God created the serpent, he must have something very special in his mind...

Genetic Rivers

Si hay algo verdaderamente mágico e incomprensible en el mundo vivo, es la molécula del ADN. Su extraña capacidad de transportar la información genética de generación en generación no es nada para comparar con cualquier otra sustancia existente en la tierra. Exploraremos junto a Janis Roze este verdadero río genético.

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